Be compliant with the
EU Deforestation Regulation for

At Kohtas, we've built a Marketplace where the sellers are leading accounting and legal firms with unparalleled expertise in global regulations. They curate and update regulation rules and risk assessments on a daily basis, ensuring the data we provide is always accurate and up-to-date.

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Study more You'll find more information about the EU Deforestation Regulation here.

Real-Time API to Comply with EUDR

Integrate our transaction-based, real-time EUDR regulation information and risk assessment API with your EUDR Due Dilligence system to automatically fetch relevant regulation information for the area of production and risk assessments. With our unique business model, you only pay when you do business in the EU, and we take a percentage commission from each transaction.

This approach not only is cost-effective but also allows you to switch from fixed legislation acquisition costs to variable costs.

What does "relevant legislation of the country of production" mean?

Relevant commodities and products can only be placed on the EU market if they are deforestation-free and comply with the relevant legislation of the country of production, Art. 3 (b), Art. 2 (40) EUDR.

"Relevant legislation" may include, among others, national laws (including relevant secondary law) and jurisprudence as well as international law as applicable in domestic law. The Regulation presents a non-exhaustive list of legislative areas without specifying particular legal acts, as these differ from country to country and may be subject to amendments. According to the definition, the legislation listed in letters (a) to (h) must be interpreted as being linked to the area of production. For the legislation on environmental protection, the meaning and purpose stipulated in Art. 1 EUDR should be taken into account. Therefore, legislation with a link to the protection of forests, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions or the protection of biodiversity is relevant.

Relevant documentation is required for the purposes of the risk assessment, Art. 9 (1) (h), 10 EUDR. Such documentation may, for example, consist of official documents from public authorities, contractual agreements, court decisions or impact assessments and audits carried out. In any case, the operator has to verify that these documents are verifiable and reliable, taking into account the risk of corruption in the country of production.

The Commission will issue a specific guidance document on legality in due course.

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Comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation

EUDR Regulation API

Transaction-based, Percentage commission from transaction value
  • Global EUDR Risk Assessment by Leading Accounting Firms (Big 4)
  • Global regulations include: Land-Use Rights, Environmental Protection, Third-Party Rights, Labor Rights, Human Rights, Anti-Corruption, FPIC, Tax, Customs, and Trade Regulations.
  • Global address/Geolocation-Based requests
  • Real-Time Data Fetching
  • Over 160 countries
  • Detailed Legislation Reports
  • Automatic Daily Updates
  • Advanced Analytics and Insights
  • No monthly or annual fees
  • Pay-as-you-go
  • 3-Step Onboarding Process
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Enterprise solution

Embark on Your Kohtas Journey:
Simple 3-Step Onboarding Process

  1. 1

    Define Your Goods by HS codes

    In the first step of the onboarding process, you'll need to specify the goods your enterprise offers under the EUDR by HS codes.

  2. 2

    Specify Business Locations

    In this step, you'll specify where your business operates from and where it delivers to example by GPS coordinates. This will help us identify the specific regulations based on the geographical regions involved in your operations.

  3. 3

    Provide Business Information

    Finally, you'll provide some additional business information. This includes your total sales volume in million euros, your preference for the Pay-as-You-Sell model, your commitment period for Pay-as-You-Sell, and your enterprise name. This information helps us understand your scale of operations and customize our offerings accordingly.

Estimate of Costs for EUDR Compliance

Understanding the financial implications of complying with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is crucial for businesses. Here’s a breakdown of the estimated costs across key categories without fines and sanctions.

Due Diligence and Audit Costs

These costs encompass conducting comprehensive supply chain audits, including geolocating production areas, verifying deforestation-free status, and ensuring compliance with the legislation of the area of production.

Percentage of Total Costs: 30-40%

Implementation of Monitoring Systems

This includes investments in technologies such as satellite imagery for supply chain traceability, and other monitoring systems to ensure compliance. These technological investments are crucial for maintaining ongoing compliance and tracking supply chain data accurately.

Percentage of Total Costs: 25-35%

Operational Adjustments

Costs related to adjusting procurement strategies, sourcing from certified suppliers, and making operational changes to align with EUDR requirements. These adjustments are necessary to ensure that all aspects of the supply chain meet the regulation's standards.

Percentage of Total Costs: 10-20%

Administrative and Personnel Costs

These costs cover the administrative overhead required to manage compliance programs, including training existing staff, hiring new compliance officers, and maintaining documentation and reporting systems.

Percentage of Total Costs: 15-25%

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